Rattan Leisure Chair for a long time was easy to dry sunlight, burst, and loss of luster, so usually should be placed in the shade. As the rattan chair is easy to accumulate dust and dirt, so clean should first use a vacuum cleaner or a small brush to remove the surface of the dust, and then stained... read more
Before buying new Outdoor Rattan Set furniture, we need to spend time and take a detailed study. Each outdoor living collection must match the atmosphere and mode of the space. How’s the weather and climate we are with, hot and dry or rainy and humid? If the weather is hot and too dry, wooden furnit... read more
For those who struggle with a sense of design and lack any knowledge of design history, it can be difficult to uncover a design style, let alone mix design styles. When considering mixing Modern Indoor Furniture and contemporary furniture, it may be easier if a grasp of the different meanings of eac... read more
Our life is often applied to chair the chair backrest, tool, with some also has a seat armrest, is in the life indispensable one kind of commonly used items. The Leisure Chair is to supply people rest chair, it is divided into indoor leisure chairs, outdoor leisure chairs two. Outdoor chair since th... read more
Generally speaking, Modern Indoor Furniture refers to furniture from the latter half of the 20th century and on into contemporary styles. Designers use the term "modern" furniture more narrowly to refer to the furnishings manufactured in the 50s and 60s in post-war America, and to a lesser extent Eu... read more